Growing turnover and new opportunities

In spite of a climate of great uncertainty, due both to the war in Ukraine and to the increase in fuel and raw material costs on the other, Ceccarelli Group, a leading company in the logistics and transport sector, confirms its solidity with a glance always attentive to the future of the sector.


The 2022 financial statements testify to this. Numbers in hand, in fact, Ceccarelli Group, with headquarters in Udine, but also with offices in Trieste, Padua, Milan and Prato, closed the year just ended with 52 million euro of consolidated with an increase, albeit in particularly difficult months, of 13% (2021 had closed at 46 million euro of consolidated). A growth also confirmed by the increase in personnel, with 20 new hires in 2022 alone, as well as by the commitment to respect the environment, thanks to the introduction of new vehicles despite the 25% increase in purchase costs and deliveries have reached 18 months.


New investments

«Although a climate of uncertainty persists, in which we are continuing to internalize most of the higher costs - explains the president of Ceccarelli Group, Luca Ceccarelli -, our group continues to invest, as demonstrated by the openings of the two logistics hubs in Pradamano and Tolmezzo, to which is added the very recent expansion of the Transfriuli division which has just moved to via Basiliano in Udine».

In fact, from the temporary headquarters in Tavagnacco, Transfriuli has recently opened its doors in the definitive headquarters, strategically important given the proximity to the main road axes, in via Basiliano in Udine. A warehouse of 1,000 square meters with 10 loading bays in addition to 30,000 square meters uncovered capable of containing the entire fleet.


urthermore, still on the subject of attention to the environment and sustainability, in 2022 training courses were launched through masters from primary business schools to train future Corporate Social Responsibility Managers internally, who will be responsible for carrying out the corporate sustainability report annually. «A due commitment – ​​explains Ceccarelli – to responsibly face the challenges of the new millennium».

«The results – continues Ceccarelli – reward the commitment of the whole team and the great work of the managerial sphere which was able to anticipate as much as possible the needs and opportunities for our customers. Results also confirmed by the saturation of the new logistics centers and by the negotiations in the portfolio, jointly, through our Euro's software house, with the development of both dedicated solutions and by interfacing with the main management systems Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) and Warehouse Management System (Wms)» .


The look to the future

If the 2022 budget is up to now, the group's commitments for the year that has just begun will be no less important. «We are looking very carefully at the Pordenone area which could also serve Eastern Veneto, especially the Treviso area - confirms Luca Ceccarelli -, but the group's interests are also going to the Julian area thanks to synergies with port operators and coffee raw foodists. For now - he concludes - we cannot anticipate more, but these are operations that demonstrate the company's desire for growth with a view to always offering new services and solutions for the benefit of customers and the development of the territory.»